Sunday, December 3, 2023

Nettle Diuretic for Dogs

 Nettle Diuretic for Dogs 

Pros: Known for diuretic effects and potential anti-inflammatory properties.

Cons: Should be given in controlled amounts; may cause gastrointestinal upset.

Edema Reduction: Diuretics are effective in reducing edema, which is the accumulation of excess fluid in tissues.

Learn more about herbs for dog heart care.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dog heart murmur coughing natural treatment

 Dog heart murmur coughing natural treatment 

Dogs with heart murmur coughing are sometimes treated by using a diuretic. A veterinarian will prescribe a diuretic that's suitable for the dog's needs. A holistic veterinarian may also recommend changes to a dog's diet. 


These changes may include diuretic foods or diuretic herbs that helped to decrease water retention. When a dog takes a diuretic such as hawthorn, they usually cough less because they have less pressure on their lungs. 

It's important to talk to a veterinarian about any type of natural diuretic that you would like to use. 

This diuretic can help dogs when they're coughing because of a heart murmur or congestive heart failure:

Hawthorn can sometimes be harmful to dogs that are currently taking digoxin. Digoxin is sometimes prescribed to dogs that have congestive heart failure.

While hawthorn can be helpful in cases where a dog has mild to moderate congestive heart failure it should not be used without consulting a veterinarian if a dog is currently taking digoxin. Hawthorn interacts with digoxin, so it increases the availability of digoxin in your dog's blood. This can lead to digoxin toxicity.

Nettle Diuretic for Dogs

 Nettle Diuretic for Dogs  Pros: Known for diuretic effects and potential anti-inflammatory properties. Cons: Should be given in controlled ...